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3 Reasons to Review Your Dental Insurance Policy Today ,

3 Reasons to Review Your Dental Insurance Policy Today

Dental Insurance Forms

When was the last time you familiarized yourself with your dental insurance policy? The money you are paying for your policy can be stretched when you take full advantage of the benefits it offers. Unless you have maximized your benefits already, now is a good time to check your policy. We have listed three good… Read more

The Infected Tooth

Mouth Pain

Like certain other diseases, dental decay begins unnoticeably. Harmful bacteria in the mouth accumulate on the surface of a tooth, perhaps in a hard-to-reach area, and they produce an acid that begins to eat away at the tooth enamel. These bacteria feed on the sugars from the foods and beverages you consume. If they are… Read more

Online Learning? Don’t Skip the Dental Checkup!

Dental Checkup

Throughout the United States, many parents have taken on the responsibility of continuing home schooling or using virtual learning to educate their children. The pandemic made this a necessity for most parents and now that students will be returning to school, many parents have decided to opt for keeping the kids at home. For those… Read more

Gum Disease and Tooth Loss

Healthy Teeth and Gums

Gingivitis is a simple condition to treat when it is caught in its earliest stages. Signs of gum disease are bright red, puffy or swollen gums. You may experience bleeding when you brush or floss your teeth. These symptoms should send you to your dentist or dental hygienist for treatment. Treatment for gingivitis is a… Read more

Three Common Sports Injuries That Affect the Teeth

Child With Mouthguard

As summer begins, people of all ages take to the outdoors to participate in a variety of sports. Some contact sports are known for their injuries while others, such as basketball, are not considered contact sports; however, players can still sustain injuries that affect the teeth. There are three types of mouth trauma that are… Read more

Why You Need Your Teeth Cleaned Professionally

Patient at Dentist

With all the various kinds of toothpaste and mouthwashes available nowadays, it may seem redundant, not to mention unnecessary, to go to the dentist and have your teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist. Even whitening your teeth can be done with toothpaste and over-the-counter teeth whitening kits. So why bother to incur the expense and… Read more

Protecting Your Child’s Teeth from Decay

Child at Dentist Pearl MS

From the moment the first tiny little pearly white tooth erupts through your baby’s gum, you and your family dentist fight to keep decay from ruining your child’s teeth. Some parents and guardians are better at maintaining the battle than others. It can be challenging to keep sweets to a minimum, even at an early… Read more

Good Oral Hygiene Habits Start Early

Two happy little children in pajamas having fun brushing their teeth

The formative years are important in a child’s life on several different levels. Youngsters are curious, eager to learn and eager to please. Taking advantage of this where your child’s dental care is concerned is a good way to create a firm foundation for oral health. Visits to the dentist when your child is young… Read more

How Safe is DIY Toothpaste?

A tube of DIY toothpaste and two bamboo toothbrushes.

It seems these days everyone is taking an interest in experimenting with DIY concoctions of all types. Every day, more Americans become interested in more natural approaches to living. People are making their own soaps and cleaning products instead of purchasing commercial brands. For some, it is a matter of curiosity, and for others, it… Read more

Start the New Year Right with A Dental Checkup

A satisfied young man in a dental chair showing his thumb up .

The glitz and glamor of the holidays are winding down, and if you are like many people, you enjoyed more than your share of sugary snacks. Hopefully, you kept up with your oral hygiene and managed to be dutiful with brushing and flossing. Just to be sure, you may want to consider scheduling an appointment… Read more

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Antoinette Liles, DMD and her dental assistant performing dental treatment.
Antoinette Liles, DMD and her dental assistant performing pediatric dental treatment.
Happy National Dentist Day. Antoinette Liles, DMD performing dental checkup.
Antoinette Liles, DMD in the treatment room.
Antoinette Liles, DMD

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